A new year has started and after we sober up, we can look back at 2012 and quickly summarize it before moving on. Here are some interesting statistics on mobile internet usage:
So, the mobile usage broke its own record once again this year. Smartphones are everywhere and we use them more than ever:
- Mobile accounts for 10% of internet usage worldwide
- Smartphone website traffic more than doubled in 2011-2012
- 20% of all YouTube views are from a mobile device
- The number of smartphone searchers doubles every two months
As we browse more on our mobiles, we expect browsing to be fast and smooth and don’t have the patience to wait for pages to download:
- 74% of consumers will wait 5 seconds for a web page to load on their mobile device before abandoning the site.
- 46% of consumers are unlikely to return to a mobile site if it didn't work properly during their last visit.
- 71% of mobile browsers expect web pages to load almost as quickly as or faster than web pages on their desktop computers
When it comes to shopping, our smartphone becomes essential. It’s always handy, and if done properly, mobile shopping can be quick, simple and fun:
- US consumers spend almost 1 of every 10 e-commerce dollars using a mobile device
- eBay sells something via a mobile phone every two seconds
- 67% of customers will like a Facebook page to save 25% or more
- 28% of consumers share deals through social media
- only 4% of consumers prefer to shop via an app (most prefer the mobile internet)
It's no secret that almost everything we do on our mobile is social - emails, text messages, Facebook, Instagram, tweeter, etc. Most people believe it’s another way to communicate with the people around us. The following statistics will make you wonder …
- 24% of people have missed witnessing important moments because they are too busy trying to write about them on social networks
- 83% of people believe platforms like Twitter and Facebook help them make new friends
- 25% of people believe social networks have boosted their confidence
- 24% of Americans and 28% of Brits have admitted to lying or exaggerating on a social network about what they have done and/or who they have met
- 53% of people in the UK are ‘dual screening’ (using a phone whilst watching TV for example)
- 40% of people spend more time socializing online than they do face-to-face
All in all it was a good year for the mobile internet industry.
Looking forward to 2013!
-- Chen Didi-Barnea, Product Marketing Manager