Tuesday, June 25, 2013

The Need for Speed

Commute, file downloads, Valentino Rossi, mantis shrimp.

What does this eclectic list of subjects have in common? If you read the title you probably already know. That’s right, if you are part of western culture you probably want all these things to be FAST. Not standard fast, I mean super-ultra-extra fast!

Mobile operators are no different in their quest for speed, investing more and more in frequencies and equipment in hopes of becoming the fastest mobile data network. One of the primary reasons operators invest billions of dollars in their LTE network is speed. Speed is the number 1 benefit operators use to publicize their new network, only to find out that their competitors are using the same trick. Because it’s not only about being fast – you have to be the fastest.

This is a given in our speed-obsessed world. Mobile Internet was in its infancy just a decade ago, and now we roll our eyes if it takes more than a couple of seconds for “Gangnam Style” to load on our iPhone. Therefore, it is no wonder that we see so much interest in network acceleration solutions. Once LTE networks are in place, to accelerate performance further requires additional investments in frequencies, antennas, and network equipment. Think of how much it would cost to accelerate an existing network by 50%.

Network acceleration solutions promise to accelerate downloads and browsing for a fraction of the cost of radio investments. At Flash Networks, we live up to this promise by delivering 50% acceleration with zero investment in network infrastructure.  By using our patented technology to adjust the TCP send rate to the wireless link, we utilize the available bandwidth, even as it fluctuates with network conditions, increasing the effective bandwidth and boosting download speed.

Network speed may not yet be as fast as “Beam me up Scotty”, but it’s getting there.

-- Tal Dagan, Director of Product Management

P.S. The mantis shrimp? Unexpected, but apparently this animal exercises the world’s fastest punch.